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04 The software system for assessing potential and actual transport accessibility.

General Description:

•    •    The project is a spin-off of the accessibility analysis study done at the Geosimulation laboratory of Tel Aviv University. The study was led by Prof Itzhak Benenson and Dr. Yodan Rofe (BGU) and Prof Eran Ben Elia (BGU). See the project’s publications (LINK to the publications list).
•    The project employs all possible sources of information on the urban transportation system and land uses, including high-resolution GIS of the road network, land partition, buildings, and population.   
•    Travel demand information is accounted for as the OD matrices, at the available level of resolution. 
•    The public transport network functioning is represented by the freely available GTFS database of public transport.
•    Pedestrian accessibility and accessibility with two-wheel vehicles (bikes and scooters) are also accounted for. 
•    The potential and actual accessibility with each of the available transportation modes and with the multi-modal trips are estimated at several resolutions, starting from individual buildings and up to the Transport Analysis Zone and Statistical Area, for different hours of the day. 
•    High-resolution accessibility maps and multiple aggregate indices of accessibility are calculated 

Metro in the City
Inside the Subway Station


An interactive software system for urban transportation planners and managers

Status: In progress

Presentation for authorized persons only
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