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03 The software for urban on- and off-street parking planning and management

General Description:

•    The project is a spin-off of the field study and modeling of the drivers’ cruising behavior at the Geosimulation laboratory of Tel Aviv University. The study was led by Prof Itzhak Benenson, Dr. Nadav Levy and Dr. Nir Fulman, and Dr. Aleksey Ogulenko. See the project’s publications (LINK to the publications list).
•    The urban parking space is represented explicitly through the high-resolution GIS that includes a road network with on-street parking permission and off-street parking lots. Parking demand is defined by the land use and population GIS. Parking control data is available and is accounted for by the system.
•    Parking drivers - model agents, cruise for parking and choose to park on- or off-street depending on the distance to their destination, parking occupancy, parking fees, and control. 
•    The model is calibrated based on the field data.
•    The system aims at establishing and evaluating parking policies, including parking permissions for residents and visitors, fixed and adaptive parking prices, optimal control of illegal parking, and fines.

Car Park
Tiny Car


An interactive software system for parking planning, management, and control.

Status: In progress

Presentation for authorized persons only
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